The purpose of the Region D Parent Technical Assistance Project (Region D PTAC) is to provide technical assistance to Parent Centers, comprised of 17 Parent Training and Information Centers (PTIs) and 9 Community Parent Resource Centers (CPRCs), in a 11 state region (Alaska: PTI – Stone Soup Group, Arizona: PTI – Raising Special Kids, California: PTI – Warmline, California: PTI – PHP,   California: PTI – Matrix, California: PTI – Support for Families, California: PTI – DREDF, California: PTI – Exceptional Parents Unlimited, California: PTI – TASK – 2 PTI Projects, Colorado: PTI – PEAK Parent Center, Hawaii: PTI – LDAH, Idaho: PTI: IPUL, Nevada: PTI – PEP, New Mexico: PTI – Parents Reaching Out, Oregon: PTI – FACT, Utah: PTI – Utah Parent Center, Washington: PTI – PAVE). The Region D PTAC believes that Parent Centers help foster independence in families so they are empowered to participate and advocate for their children throughout their lives. Through its technical assistance, the Region D PTAC supports sustainable, independent, empowered, and successful Parent Centers.Â
The Region D PTAC is funded by the Office of Special Education Programs at the U.S. Department of Education. The Region D PTAC utilizes existing pools of resources to develop the capacity of Parent Centers in Region D by providing targeted and intensive technical assistance so that Parent Centers will more effectively serve families in their state! PEAK Parent Center has been implementing the Region D PTAC project since 2018. Learn more about PEAK Parent Center’s core vision and values!
Region D PTAC Services
- Individualized Technical Assistance in agency and grant management and program content areas
- Connections to regional and national resources, including OSEP, Technical Assistance and Dissemination Projects and other PTACs in the Parent Center Network
- Assistance with outreach to better serve under-represented families
- Technical Assistance on working collaboratively with State Education and Part C Lead Agencies
- Facilitation of strategic technology planning and assistance with connecting Parent Centers with cutting edge non-profit technology resources
- Board training and development
- Assistance with connecting Parent Centers to best practices and resources that address Parent Center needs
- The development of Individualized Center Technical Assistance Plan
- Monthly Topical Director Teleconferences/webinars and Directors’ listserve
- Region D Dynamic electronic newsletter
- Annual Regional Meeting and Gatherings of Parent Centers in Region D
- Region D PTAC website
- Site visits and trainings for Parent Centers in Region D
How to ask for technical assistance:
Each center has been assigned a lead TA Specialist. To request support, please contact your lead TA specialist:
Michele Williers:
Tony Darren:
Angela Lindig:
Or phone PEAK Parent Center 719-531-9400.