Purpose of Parent Centers
Families who have a child with a disability have special concerns and often need a huge amount of information. And, dealing with many issues at one time can be overwhelming. The experienced staff at Parent Centers, many of whom have a children with disabilities themselves, help families sort through the various issues and put them in perspective. The purpose of Parent Centers is to provide parents, self advocates (individuals with disabilities), and family members with high quality information and training about:
- Specific disabilities,
- Parent and children’s rights under the IDEA and other relevant laws
- Resources in their community, the state, and the nation.
Parent Centers know about the needs of children and families. They understand school policies and practices. Through their experience with the education of children with disabilities and understanding of the needs of families and schools, Parent Centers make valuable contributions on a local, statewide, and national basis in support of schools to improve services and outcomes for students with disabilities.
PEAK Parent Center is the PTI for the State of Colorado. If you live outside Colorado, you can (external, non-PEAK website) Find Your Parent Center through the Center for Parent Information and Resources (CPIR) website!